Book a Session Here
✓ Counselling is viewed as short-term (a few sessions to months), offering support to build solutions for current issues such as grief or a sudden crisis.
✓ Psychotherapy tends to be long-term (months or years), and can include exploring past trauma or depressive moods that keep coming up, and disrupts ones feelings and behaviours.
Provided for Teens, Young Adults, Adults and Couples.
Both counselling and psychotherapy describe professionals who use “talk-based” methods to support you through and help you to manage many of the challenges you are experiencing. Though both are similar, the above descriptions highlight their differences.
Common Reasons People Begin Counselling & Psychotherapy
✔ You may worry excessively about what to do with your life
✔ You may find yourself feeling nervous or anxious a lot
✔ Unable to make sense of your crying or tearing up for no reason
✔ Feels like your confidence is disrupted or entirely shattered
✔ Socializing and being around people is too hard
✔ Not sure of anything anymore and just want to talk
✔ Feeling distant from your partner
✔ Engaging in unhealthy relationships or behaviours
✔ A need for perfection has you questioning if you are capable of doing what you want in life
✔ Trapped in a continuous cycle of relationship conflict
✔ The thought of adult responsibilities is scary to you
✔ Withdrawing, isolating, or avoiding friends, family and activities you enjoy
✔ Your eating and sleeping habits are all out of whack
✔ Self-criticism that may lead to thinking nothing you do is ever good enough
✔ Self-medicating or misusing legal or illegal substances
Book a free 15 minute telephone consultation.
If you have questions or looking for additional information about counselling in general


Monday & Tuesday: 9am - 7pm
Saturday: 9am - 2pm

L5R 0C1
Proudly serving people near me, from Toronto, to Mississauga, Brampton, Milton, Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, and Ontario.
Disclaimer: The information provided through this website is for informational purposes only. It is not clinical advice. It is not intended to and does not create a therapist-client relationship. E-subscribers and other website visitors are receiving general advertising and information about mental health services if and when they are needed and should not act upon this information without seeking consultation from a certified medical or mental health professional. All e-subscribers join through a request for information iterated by the subscriber with the opportunity to opt out at any time.